
User Guide


Feature 1

Shows you your current list of tasks.


list - Display current list of tasks.

Example of usage:


Feature 2

Adds a task into the list of tasks. Dates and times are to be input as the following format: DD/MM/YYYY HHMM


todo [description] - Adds a todo task into the list with the description.

event [description] /at [date time] - Adds an event task into the list with the description, date and time.

deadline [description] /by [date time] - Adds a deadline task into the list with the description, date and time.

Example of usage:

todo read book

event project meeting /at 20/12/2019 1600

deadline homework /by 15/10/2019 2359

Feature 3

Deletes a task from the list of tasks.


delete [index] - Removes a task from the list at the given index.

Example of usage:

delete 2 - Deletes the 2nd task in the list.

Feature 4

Find a task from the list of tasks with a given keyword.


find [keyword] - Displays a list of tasks with the given keyword from the current list of tasks.

Examples of usage:

find book - Returns a list of tasks with the word ‘book’.

Feature 5

Mark a task as done.


done [index] - Changes the cross beside the description to a tick of the task at the given index.

Examples of usage:

done 1 - Marks the first task in the current list of tasks as done.

Feature 6

Update the description or date and time of a task. Dates and times are to be input as the following format: DD/MM/YYYY HHMM


update [description/date] of [task description] /to [new description/date time]

Examples of usage:

update description of borrow book /to borrow a Chinese book

update date of project meeting /to 12/12/2012 1200